Note from Lisa - New Year, Fresh Start
Bring on 2021!
Covid and lousy weather conspired to keep us at home over the break, so it was time for a studio clean-out in preparation for the Bakehouse relaunch later this year.
With both the girls now having left school, I reluctantly parted with the face paints, crayons, chalk, food dye and lots of stuff from my personal creative coral reef – eighteen years of leftover materials from countless kids and adult workshops. We found homes for much of it locally, and an art teacher at Bass Hill High will start this year with a full storeroom.
The amount of ceramic work that went through the studio last year was double that of 2019, so I needed that cull to accommodate work that people are making. And it is still going.
It’s an emotional experience for me – lots of you know how I like to hang onto things. Scott certainly knows. But it was cleansing, and I’m looking forward to seeing the space express itself even more. Already I can feel it becoming a lighter and brighter space to work. I’m also finding I’m more creative in a space that is less cluttered and that provides a more neutral backdrop to all the great work that is created here.
May is the deadline we have set ourselves for the Bakehouse Renaissance Relaunch. Coming soon is also the Bakehouse Shop and perhaps even the Bakehouse Shed - more on those later.
A big thankyou to Blaithin, Helen and Deb who have been helping me through this time in different ways with their varied skills. You guys are gold – white gold.