Note from Lisa – Play, Plan, Prep

November has been a month full of workshops, planning for 2022 and exhibition preparations with our big annual end of year exhibition and sale to be held this Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th of December. It’s been really wonderful to see so many familiar faces gradually coming back through the Bakehouse Studio doors since lockdown lifted. I’m so looking forward to celebrating the end of this challenging year with our ever increasing group of patrons and artists, sponsored for the first time by the  local Mobius Distilling Co.

In November I was very excited to be a recipient of an Individual Artist’s Grant from the Inner West Council. My project is called Cooks River Clay Connections . You’ll be hearing and seeing more about this next year. In the meantime I’m really looking forward to our last workshop of the year – Christmas Goddess Candle Sculpture which is going to be lots of fun!

Lisa Hoelzl