Note from Lisa - Buzzing!

It is so exciting to realise that lock down is lifting in time for my birthday which will now coincide with a reopening of the studio for a complete celebration of Spring. Postponed workshops have now been rescheduled and new ones conceived in the lead up to Christmas.

September was a big month for me in terms of production, photography and preparing for the opening of Artisans in the Gardens 2021. This exhibition will be viewable online from the 16th with a physical exhibition planned for next March. From this work I have enjoyed developing some new techniques and construction ideas for my botanical artworks, which I’m looking forward to sharing in workshops this year.

Buzzing around the lemon blossom

Buzzing around the lemon blossom

Coming out of quiet, contemplative lockdown lunches in the garden, I have enjoyed observing the bees in rocket that went to seed and the lemon tree which is flowering. Having been nicknamed Bee from childhood due to my love of honey and endless business, it seems apt that I’m now making them in clay.

New creation of ceramic bees

New creation of ceramic bees

Looking forward to moving into the After Times with a busy and productive October.


Lisa Hoelzl